
New review article on LOH dynamics

The dynamics of loss of heterozygosity events in genomes. Abhishek Dutta, Joseph Schacherer. Genomic instability is a hallmark of tumorigenesis, yet it also plays an essential role in evolution. Large-scale population genomics studies have highlighted the importance of loss of heterozygosity (LOH)…

Regards sur les ribozymes

Benoït Masquida, directeur de recherche CNRS au laboratoire de Génétique moléculaire, génomique et microbiologie (GMGM) nous explique les multiples facettes des ribozymes, ARN capables d'activité catalytique.

USIAS 2020 award for Alexandre Smirnov

The Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Strasbourg (USIAS) is committed to supporting an original type of research and potentially pioneering research, so as to promote a high level of reflection and synthesis. Among 2020 USIAS supported projects is that of Alexandre Smirnov: "Exper…

Nouvelle publication dans PLos Genetics

Species-wide survey of the expressivity and complexity spectrum of traits in yeast. Andreas Tsouris, Téo Fournier, Anne Friedrich, Jing Hou, Maitreya J. Dunham, Joseph Schacherer. Assessing the complexity and expressivity of traits at the species level is an essential first step to better dissect…

Prix du meilleur poster pour Louis-François Mey

Louis-François MEY, doctorant dans l'équipe AIME, a obtenu le prix du meilleur poster pour son travail "Experimental evolution of methylotrophic strains for growth with chloromethane" lors de la conférence "Microbial Cycling of Volatile Organic Compounds: Biogeochemistry to Biotechnology" qui s'est…

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